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Induction bending big pipe in the West-East natural gas transmission project[img]
From: [HengXin Science & Technology Co., LTD.]    AddTime: [2010-10-27]    Font size:[X M S]

Induction bending 1620mm big pipe in the West-East natural gas transmission project
Induciton bending the 1620mmX40mm steel pipe in the West-East natural gas transmission project.

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New Year,new induction heating machine, new factory, new website
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Hengxin united with GYDZ to be more stronger
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What is induciton heating
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Hengxin got CE certificate in 2008[img]
New Type of HX-5KW Ultra-High Frequency Induction Heating Machine[img]
New Type of HX-3.5KW Ultra-High Frequency Induction Heating Machine[img]
People use HX-80KW induction machine to heating a big steel pipe[img]
Newest News
New Year,new induction heating machine, new factory, new website
You get what you pay for---regarding the price
bearing induction hardening[img]
Hengxin united with GYDZ to be more stronger
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What is induciton heating
250KW induction machine with flexible inducdtion coil[img]
Ultra-high temperature ceramics with induction heating[img]
Auto induction quenching for knives[img]
Induction heating for vacuum pipes[img]
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china induction heating machine, high frequency power supply